This is a place where a departure from the law of gravity occurs, on the section of Firefighter Street, from Karkonoska Street towards the "Dziki Wodospadu" behind the Piecuch hotel and before the bridge over Łomnica.
Although the road here slopes gently towards Łomnica, on a straight section of the road, cars with the engine off drive up the hill on their own, and water poured onto the street flows upwards, against the laws of gravity. It is similar with bottles, balls or cans that are rolling towards you.
Such anomalies occur in various places on Earth. In Australia, in Barbados, in Brazil, near Gold Hill in Canada, in the province of Gansu in China, in Languedoc in France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, and also near the summer residence of the Popes on Lake Alban on Via del Laghi in Italy and Poland , on the road leading to the village of Żar in the Beskid Mały Mountains.
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